老左自己使用Linode VPS也有2-3年时间,也是用信用卡付款的,也给几个朋友代购过(包括单独开设的独立账户),但是我并没有遇到需要上传身份证、信用卡扫描件的验证邮件(难道是人品比较好)。今天有一个朋友咨询自己在新购买Linode VPS需要审核账户的时候,收到一封"Linode Order Status"的邮件,内容是这样的。
In regards to this order, we will need a signed authorization from the credit card
holder before being able to activate this account.Please copy the credit card holder's photo ID (front and back) and the credit card
used (front and back) and use our secure submission form. Your unique link is located below:这边有一行上传扫描件的地址,我省略掉
Alternatively, feel free to fax them to 1-609-380-7200 (fax) or email to
service@linode.com. Please complete this within 48 hours, or this signup will be
cancelled and the charges voided.
意思很明白,在我们新注册Linode账户之后,账户的状态是Pending Activation的,需要审核之后才可以使用我们充值的金额购买产品,从我的经验看肯定是随机的或者是某种机制决定的,因为我自己使用过几个,也帮网友购买,还真没遇到。
如果我们对Linode VPS感兴趣可以参考下面的文章: